3 August 2008


As usual for a Sunday morning, we headed off to the markets this morning as soon as we were awake. Didn't get much in the way of fruit and veg, as we still had plenty from last week, but in our wanderings, I spotted this wool at the back of a table. 10 balls of 100% wool, for $1 a ball! It's rather rough, so I doubt I will use it for clothes, probably it will become a lap rug or a floor mat.

The real bargain however was hidden half under the wool. A little plastic bag with these patterns in. I only saw the top one, and asked how much they were, and she said $1 for the lot! When I snapped them up, she said apologetically that they were very old! I wasn't game to tell her that these go for $5+ each on eBay!

I love looking through these. The kids clothes are so cute! A testament to the days when children were dressed like children, rather than miniature adults. Nonetheless, if you update the materials used, many of these wouldn't be out of place on today's child. Other's, of course, would certainly stand out! The patterns are simple, all drawn out from measurements rather than provided full size, and look easy to follow. I'm definitely looking forward to trying some of these for DD.

I love these adult women's clothes too! I just wish they were still in fashion! Sometimes, I think I was born in the wrong era. There are still plenty of these that could be modernised though, especially some of the teen fashions.

I'm still inspired to be crafty, but unfortunately the energy to do so isn't there. Still working hard on getting the house and garage organised. Bought down half the remaining food in the kitchen cupboard in the shed today, as well as washing two loads of materials (that the mice decided to make a bed in!), and bringing the washing machine down. That was quite a challenge with the bumpy ground, with it sliding off the trolley half way there! It still works fine though.

So instead of actually making anything, I've comforted myself with beginning to arrange my sewing room. I'm lucky enough to have an entire room for my sewing now (I'm sure my mum won't mind sleeping surrounded by crafty stuff when she comes to visit!), but even so I suspect that there isn't going to be room. We moved these two bookshelves into the built in wardrobe yesterday, and I've folded the first lot of material today. There are about two to three more loads like this, then several more boxes of material that has been sitting in the garden shed waiting for this time. I see these cupboards easily being filled with material, probably with some left over.

This leaves plenty of other items with no home so far. I've decided to dedicate this set of wire draws to the wool and knitting/crochet supplies. Again I suspect it will easily be filled. I did discover that this kitchen cutlery organiser makes a great storage for my knitting needles and crochet hooks though. Except that it could do with being an inch or two longer...

Still to find a home for my ribbons, laces and other bits and pieces, but no doubt I will find somewhere. Oh I can't wait till it is all set up, and my brain has room to actually begin on all the projects in my head (and saved on my computer).


Helsyd said...

ohhh! I love that first pattern!
you will have to show us a pic when you have finished a dress like that!

Rinelle said...

Hehe. If I ever actually make that dress (or one like it), I promise to post pictures.