11 August 2008


We had our air conditioning installed today. Yes, I know, it's not very environmentally friendly, and most of the year I doubt we'll use it (it's very warm here in the house after living in a shed!), but for those really bad days (like this one earlier in the year), I'm sure we'll be glad we have it. We were only planning on one unit in the bedroom, but prices were less than we expected, so we have one in the bedroom, and one in the living area. I decided against putting one in DD's room, as I don't think it's good for children to sleep in air conditioning. For one thing, they adjust to it, just as someone in a colder climate adjusts to that climate, and find it hard to live without it later (DH is a perfect example of this!) I also don't think DD is old enough to monitor her own temperature and set it accordingly yet. If it's a really hot/cold night, she can always join us in our room.

All went well (aside from the larger unit having no gas in it, we're going to have to contact the manufacturer about that), but it was a very unsettled day having people in our house all day. I had lots of gardening and craft planned for the day, but ended up doing very little. In the end, not wanting to have nothing to show for the day, I pulled out this material I bought at Spotlight a few days ago. It's two metres of poly/cotton (I'd prefer cotton, but couldn't find these colours in the cotton), and it is destined to be a rag rug.

First, I tore all the material into strips, a little over an inch wide. I thought tearing would be faster, and the easiest way to get straight strips, but the little bits of cotton fraying off the sides were a huge hassle. Next time, I think I'd probably fold the material, and cut with a roller cutter.

Then I joined the strips together following the instructions on this cool tutorial. Much better than most places, which suggest sewing them at a 45 degree angle. I joined them in an arranged random pattern (pink, green, pink, pink, green, pink, green, green), as I don't want it to look too neat, but I just can't do random. No matter how hard I try, I think about it too much, and it begins to take on an order of it's own.

Then I rolled it all up into a big ball. I'm planning on crocheting my rag rug, not knitting it, as I don't have big enough knitting needles. I do, however, have this nice large crochet hook, I'm not sure of the exact size, but it has a 10.00 on the side? Isn't my huge ball cool? Oh, you thought the title was about the air conditioning...

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