25 June 2008

I'm still here

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, just haven't been doing anything interesting to post about! Or rather, I've been doing lots, but not actually finishing stuff.

The daily planting is going so so. I had several days there where I didn't plant anything through a combination of no compost to plant into, and being busy trying to get the house organised. I have planted about 2 sqm of peas, which is something. Peas seem to be one of those things that you can just never get enough of, so I'm just planting as much ground as I can with them. I don't think we'll have any trouble with any of them going to waste. From a self sufficiency standpoint though, I think you'd be much better off planting beans.

The organisation was far more successful than my daily planting has been. Almost everything is mouse-proof now, and I'm feeling far more in control. Yes, we still have at least one mouse, and he's none too impressed with my anti-mouse campaign. I discovered this morning that the plastic container I put the chooks scraps into had been gnawed, unsuccessfully I might add. Tonight it's in the fridge, and I have plans to set a 'mouse trap'. No, not a traditional one, one of my own devising. I'll update if we have any success.

Progress on the house has been discouraging as usual. Very little has actually happened, despite repeated calls to the supervisor and the company. I think they're just getting annoyed at us! We did receive a letter today though telling us that practical completion is expected to be achieved tomorrow. I'll believe it if and when I see it. Either way, I'll have to ring the flooring company that we'd booked for Monday, and reschedule yet again. Even if the house is finished tomorrow, it will take several days to organise all the bank/money. Hopefully the end is in sight...

Today I darned DD and my slippers, and a pair of DH's socks that were wearing thin. The potatoes are starting to poke their leaves up, as are the carrots. I have a flower on my peach tree, and tiny mulberries on the mulberry tree. The chickens have taken to coming INTO the shed at about 10am, and again at about 3pm, trying to tell us they want food.

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